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Conference Proposals

Call for Papers: NACBS 2025, Montreal

Before you start your submission, you should have the following information:

  1. Names, affiliations and email addresses for all panel participants.  We will also ask for the regional conference (if any) with which the participant is associated. PLEASE NOTE: We create the program from the submission, so be sure that names, institutional titles, and paper titles are provided as they should appear on the program.

  2. The chronological category into which the panel best fits. The options are: medieval, early modern, eighteenth century, nineteenth century, twentieth and twenty-first century; “other” will also be an option for thematic panels.

  3. A note whether data projection is necessary, desired, or unnecessary. Because of the high cost of AV, it will not be provided in all meeting rooms.  Please request AV only if the presentation of visual or aural material is a central component of your paper.

  4. A brief summary CV for each participant, indicating education, current affiliations, and major publications.   (two-page maximum per CV.)

  5. Title and Abstract for each paper or presentation.   Roundtables do not need titles for each presentation, but if you have them, that is fine.  If there is no title, there should still be an abstract – i.e. “X will speak about this subject through the lens of this period/approach/region etc.”

  6. Poster and Individual Papers: Those proposing posters and individual papers should enter their information as organizer information.

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