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The Lewis Walpole Library is delighted to announce the following recipients of Fellowships and Travel Grants for 2024-25. You can read the list of awardees here.

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Reflections on British Royalty: Mass Observation and the Monarchy, 1937-2022, edited by Jennifer Purcell and Fiona Courage, is now available through Bloomsbury Academic Press.

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Erin Fetterly's latest article on the History With Jackson blog discusses the curious and intriguing world of early modern medicinal ingredients.

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Congratulations to NACBS members Rachel Weil and Christopher Bischof for receiving NEH Grants! Rachel will use the grant for research and writing leading to a book exploring the nature of imprisonment in England from 1550 to 1800. Christopher will use the grant for research and writing leading to a book on post-slavery social and economic policies in the British West Indies, 1823 to 1865.

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Agents of European overseas empires: Private colonisers, 1450-1800, edited by L.H. Roper (, Elodie Peyrol-Kleiber, Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, and Agnes Delahaye is now available through Manchester University Press.

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A 3rd edition of the popular 20th Century Britain: economic, cultural and social change (eds Nicole Robertson, John Singleton and Avram Taylor) has recently been published. Written by leading academics, this collection provides an essential guide to current academic thinking on the most important elements of modern British history.

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